Zion Vilez (2008) is a highly motivated and talented 6'5" left-handed middle blocker from the Netherlands, looking for an ambitious college volleyball program in the fall of 2026. Zion currently plays for Dros Alterno.
Zion currently plays for Dros Alterno as a middle blocker in their second team, performing in the Dutch Third Division. Besides playing with his own team, he also trains with the first team, first division level.
Originally an opposite, Zion transitioned to the middle blocker position just six months ago. Despite the short time in this new role, his strengths are already evident. Zion excels in both blocking and attacking making him a formidable presence on the court. His left-handed attack adds a unique advantage, often catching opponents by surprise.
Zion has also a great serve, which gives him the ability to score some free points for his team during a match.
Committed to continuous improvement, Zion is keen to enhance his defensive skills to become a more well-rounded player. His motivation and quick learning ability have already helped him adapt rapidly to the demands of his new position.
Approach touch (May 2024):
- 318 cm (10'5 feet) attack reach height, 1 arm.
- 308 cm (10'1 feet) block reach height, 2 arms.
As mentioned before, Zion also trains besides his regular team practices. He also trains at the volleyball school NJOI, alongside other talented players from his area, further demonstrating his dedication to developing his game.
Currently enrolled at the HAVO level, second highest level of high school in the Netherlands, Zion expects to graduate in June 2026. He is still undecided about his major,
For more information about Zion Vilez, please feel free to contact our volleyball specialist, Ron Zwerver, at ron@slamstox.com.
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