In this article, we share more about student-athlete Amber van Beugen. At the bottom of this article, you will also find a video where Amber talks more about herself.

Sports: Women’s Track & Field
Entry semester: Fall 2025

The 19-year-old Amber van Beugen lives in Alphen aan den Rijn and has been involved in athletics since the age of six. She was introduced to the sport through her parents. Amber has grown to love the sport because it allows her to channel all her energy into it.

Amber is very social and highly motivated to achieve her goals. This allows her to effectively motivate the people around her. Thanks to her social and driven nature, she is great at supporting and encouraging both her own progress and that of others.

Her goal in America is to continue improving her sprints, while also experiencing new cultures and gaining new experiences. She knows she enjoys being there for others, both in daily life and in sports. She hopes to make use of this quality while in America.

”We can improve and learn from eachother”

Amber van Beugen

Would you like to see more of Amber? Then watch the video below where she introduces herself: