In this article, we tell you more about student-athlete Britt Potman. Additionally, at the bottom of this article, you will find a video in which Britt talks more about herself.

Sports: Women’s Rowing
Entry semester: Fall 2025

Britt has practiced many sports, but she found her passion when she started rowing. She is an athletic young woman who strives to get the most out of every opportunity. Britt is spontaneous and easygoing, and she enjoys meeting up with friends. She also loves learning new things, such as playing the piano.

From a young age, Britt has had a passion for sports. At the age of two, she started gymnastics and later tried various sports until she discovered rowing. Rowing quickly became a passion for her, and she also had a talent for it. Britt recently switched rowing clubs; her new club is located in Amsterdam, which means she now has to travel for two hours. This has taught Britt to plan and stay well-organized. Additionally, it has made her mentally and physically stronger, allowing her to compete at the highest level in the Netherlands.

Britt’s goal is to become the best version of herself in America. She hopes to develop both athletically and academically. When Britt dreams, she envisions winning an Olympic medal in rowing, as well as earning a Nobel Prize in her second passion, physics. With her leadership skills and physical strength, Britt is confident that she will be a valuable addition to a prestigious school in America.

“I always want to be the best version of myself.”

Britt Potman

Would you like to see more of Britt? Then watch the video below where she introduces herself.