In this article, we tell you more about student-athlete Simon Kiekebeld. Additionally, at the bottom of this article, you will find a video in which Simon talks more about himself.

Sports: Men’s Tennis
Entry semester: Fall 2025

Simon is a 17-year-old tennis player who plays right-handed and wants to further develop his skills in America. He has been playing tennis since he was five years old and combined it with soccer until he was twelve. From that age, he focused solely on tennis. Currently, Simon trains six times a week at two different clubs. He also competes, including being part of a team with his coach, with whom he has won a championship.

What makes Simon special is his calmness and discipline in various situations, both at school and on the tennis court. On the court, Simon is mentally very strong, his return is excellent, and he is very consistent in his level of play. Additionally, he is quite tall, giving him the potential to develop a very strong serve, which he is currently working hard on.

Simon’s goal in America is to see how far he can develop his tennis skills and to determine if he can eventually build a career out of it. Additionally, he wants to improve his English. Therefore, playing tennis and studying in America is the perfect way for him to achieve these goals!

” I am willing to put in the extra work myself”

Simon Kiekebeld

Would you like to see more of Simon? Watch the video below where he introduces himself.